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Luther Memorial Church
Madison, Wisconsin
Opus 88, under construction

Great   Positive Solo
manual II, East case,
manual I, East case, Tracker floating, enclosed, West case, Electric
16' Principal 8' Principal 8' Harmonic Flute
16' Quintadena 8' Gedackt 8' Gamba 8'
8' Octave 8' Holzflöte 8' Gamba Celeste
8' Doppel Gedackt 4' Octave 8' Flauta Amabile
8' Salicional 4' Rohrflöte 8' Flauta Celeste (tc)
4' Octave 2' Octave 4' Viol
4' Spitzflöte 1 1/3' Nasat 8' Clarinet
2 2/3' Quinte II Sesquialtera Tremolo
2' Superoctave IV-VI Scharff 8' Trompette (15” wind)
IV-VI Mixture 16' Dulcian 8' English Tuba (15” wind)
V Cornet (tg-d''', mounted) 8' Trompeten Regal Solo 16, Solo unison off,
16' Fagott Tremulant Solo 4
8' Trompet
Swell Pedal
manual III, enclosed, West case,
* East case, Tracker
** West case, Electric
16' Bourdon 32' Subbass ** (ext.S16 ind.quint)
8' Violin Diapason 16' Open Diapason **
8' Rohr Flute 16' Principal * (alt.Gt)
8' Viol da Gamba 16' Subbass **
8' Vox Cœlestis        16' Violonbass *
4' Principal 8' Octave *
4' Traverse Flute 8' Bourdon ** (ext.S16)
4' Salicet 8' Violoncello * (ext.V16)
2 2/3' Nasard 4' Octave *
2' Gemshorn V Mixture *
1 3/5' Tierce 32' Posaune * (ext.P16)
IV Mixture 16' Posaune *
16' Bassoon 16' Fagott * (alt.Gt)
8' Trumpet 8' Trompet * (Gt)
8' Oboe 2' Cornett *
8' Vox Humana 16' Bombarde ** (So ext.Tr8)
4' Clarion 8' Trompette ** (So)
Tremulant 4' Clairon ** (So from Tr8)
16' Ophicleide ** (So ext.ET8)
8' English Tuba ** (So)
4' Tuba Clarion ** (So from ET8)
Mechanical Console Couplers: Pos to Gt, Pos to Pd, Gt to Pd
Electric Console Couplers: Sw to Gt, Pos to Gt, Sw to Pos, Sw to Pd, Gt to Pd, Pos to Pd, 
So to Gt, So to Sw, So to Pos, So to Pd
Zimbelstern, Nightingale
Two manual and Pedal mechanical action console integral with East case
Electric Stop action with piston sequencer
Straight flat pedal board and adjustable bench
Three manual electric action console placed at the foot of the choir risers
Electric stop action with combination capture system and piston sequencer
Balanced Swell and Solo shoes (electric actuation)
Straight concave pedal board with radiating length sharps and adjustable bench
Key compass: 61/32
Bone covered naturals with ebony sharps
Blowers, 220V 60htz, placed in Moller Echo chamber
Cases of solid oak with hand carved pipe shades
Taylor and Boody’s “Grace Church” mild temperament, A=440hz at 70º F 
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders