Restoration of 1962 Beckerath Organ |
St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
2009 |
Great |
Swell |
Solo |
16' |
Principal |
16' |
Quintadena |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Violflöte |
4' |
Principal |
8' |
Koppelgedackt |
8' |
Flute |
4' |
Rohrflöte |
4' |
Octave |
8' |
Gemshorn |
2 2/3' |
Quintflöte |
2 2/3' |
Quinte |
8' |
Gemshornceleste |
2' |
Waldflöte |
2' |
Octave |
4' |
Violflöte |
1 3/5' |
Tierce |
V |
Mixture (1 1/3') |
4' |
Nachthorn |
1 1/3' |
Nasat |
IV |
Scharff (2/3') |
2 2/3' |
Nasat |
1' |
Sifflöte |
16' |
Trumpet |
2' |
Blockflöte |
Cymbel (1/2') |
8' |
Trumpet |
V-VI |
Cornet |
8' |
Vox Humana |
4' |
Trumpet |
VI |
Mixture (1 1/3') |
4' |
Musette |
16' |
Fagott |
Tremulant |
8' |
Oboe |
4' |
Schalmei |
8' |
Trompette en chamade |
4' |
Clairon en chamade |
Tremulant |
Rückpositiv |
Pedal |
Couplers: |
8' |
Principal |
32' |
Principal |
8' |
Quintadena |
16' |
Principal |
8' |
Rohrflöte |
16' |
Subbass |
4' |
Octave |
16' |
Flute |
26 general pistons |
4' |
Blockflöte |
8' |
Octave |
6 divisional pistons |
2 2/3' |
Nasat |
8' |
Spielflöte |
4 pedal division pistons |
2' |
Octave |
4' |
Octave |
2' |
Gemshorn |
4' |
Rohrflöte |
1 1/3' |
Quinte |
2' |
Nachthorn |
II |
Sesquialtera |
VI |
Mixture (2') |
V |
Scharff (1') |
Rauschpfeife (4', 2 2/3', 2') |
16' |
Bärpfeife |
32' |
Posaune |
8' |
Cromorne |
16' |
Posaune |
16' |
Fagott |
8' |
Trumpet |
4' |
Trumpet |
Great wind pressure: C-71mm, Cs-65mm (set to 72mm) |
Swell wind pressure: C-72mm, Cs-71mm (set to 72mm) |
Solo wind pressure: C-64mm, Cs-64mm (set to 64mm) |
Rückpositiv wind pressure: C-64mm, Cs-65mm (set to 64mm) |
Pedal wind pressure: C-85mm, Cs-86mm (set to 86mm) |
2009 restoration work: |
Replaced seventeen collapsing 32' Principal pipes with new pipes |
Replaced five collapsing interior Principal 32' pipes |
Replaced resonators of 32' Posaune |
Restored the console |
Strengthened the sides and back of the case |
Cleaned and repaired all interior pipes |
Polished and lacquered all facade pipes |
Added Great to Pedal coupler |
Installed multi-level solid state combination action |
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583 |
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders