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Restoration of 1962 Beckerath Organ
St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Great Swell Solo
16' Principal 16' Quintadena 8' Gedackt
8' Principal 8' Violflöte 4' Principal
8' Koppelgedackt 8' Flute 4' Rohrflöte
4' Octave 8' Gemshorn 2 2/3' Quintflöte
2 2/3' Quinte 8' Gemshornceleste 2' Waldflöte
2' Octave 4' Violflöte 1 3/5' Tierce
V Mixture (1 1/3') 4' Nachthorn 1 1/3' Nasat
IV Scharff (2/3') 2 2/3' Nasat 1' Sifflöte
16' Trumpet 2' Blockflöte III Cymbel (1/2')
8' Trumpet V-VI Cornet  8' Vox Humana
4' Trumpet VI Mixture (1 1/3') 4' Musette
16' Fagott Tremulant
8' Oboe
4' Schalmei
8' Trompette en chamade 
4' Clairon en chamade 
Rückpositiv Pedal Couplers:
8' Principal 32' Principal SW/GT, SO/GT, RP/GT
8' Quintadena 16' Principal SW/PED, GT/PED
8' Rohrflöte 16' Subbass
4' Octave 16' Flute 26 general pistons
4' Blockflöte 8' Octave 6 divisional pistons
2 2/3' Nasat 8' Spielflöte 4 pedal division pistons
2' Octave 4' Octave
2' Gemshorn 4' Rohrflöte
1 1/3' Quinte 2' Nachthorn
II Sesquialtera VI Mixture (2')
V Scharff (1') III Rauschpfeife (4', 2 2/3', 2')
16' Bärpfeife 32' Posaune
8' Cromorne 16' Posaune
16' Fagott
8' Trumpet
4' Trumpet
Great wind pressure: C-71mm, Cs-65mm (set to 72mm)
Swell wind pressure: C-72mm, Cs-71mm (set to 72mm)
Solo wind pressure: C-64mm, Cs-64mm (set to 64mm)
Rückpositiv wind pressure: C-64mm, Cs-65mm (set to 64mm)
Pedal wind pressure: C-85mm, Cs-86mm (set to 86mm)
2009 restoration work:
Replaced seventeen collapsing 32' Principal pipes with new pipes
Replaced five collapsing interior Principal 32' pipes
Replaced resonators of 32' Posaune
Restored the console
Strengthened the sides and back of the case
Cleaned and repaired all interior pipes
Polished and lacquered all facade pipes
Added Great to Pedal coupler
Installed multi-level solid state combination action
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders