about us
Restoration of 1891 Hook and Hastings Opus 1499
Louise Temple-Rosebrook, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Great Swell Pedal
8'  Open Diapason 8'  Viola (tc) 16' Sub Bass 
8'  Dulciana 8'  Stop'd Diapason Bass
4'  Octave 8'  Stop'd Diapason Treble
4'  Flute Harmonic
Couplers: SW/GT Unison, SW/GT Octaves, GT/PD, SW/PD
Case of solid white oak
Pipes of zinc, lead-tin alloys, and pine
8' Dulciana C-c in façade
Mechanical (balanced) key action; mechanical stop action
Manual compass: C-a''', 58 notes
Pedal compass: C-d', 27 notes
Temperament: Lehman-Bach
Pitch: a' = 440
Stops: 7
Pipes: 363
Wind pressure: 76mm
Single parallel-rise  bellows
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders