Restoration of 1872 Henry Erben Organ |
Lee Chapel, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia |
1995 |
Manual |
Pedal |
8' |
Open Diapason |
16' |
Bourdon |
8' |
Stopped Diapason Bass |
8' |
Stopped Diapason Treble (tc) |
8' |
Viola di Gamba (tc) |
8' |
Dulciana (tc) |
4' |
Principal |
2' |
Fifteenth |
Coupler: MAN/PD |
Case of solid white pipe, faux finished as walnit |
Pipes of zinc, lead-tin alloys, and pine |
Mechanical (balanced) key action; mechanical stop action |
Manual compass: C-g''', 56 notes |
Pedal compass: C-g, 20 notes |
Temperament: Equal |
Pitch: a' = 440 |
Stops: 7 |
Pipes: 332 |
Single parallel-rise bellows |
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583 |
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders