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Amelia Presbyterian Church
Amelia Court House, Virginia
Opus 1, 1969

Manual Pedal
8'  Open Diapason 16'  Bourdon
8'  Stopped Diapason
4'  Octave
4'  Chimney Flute
2 2/3'  Twelfth (bass, C-b)
2 2/3'  Twelfth (treble, c'-g''')
2'  Fifteenth
1 3/5'  Tierce
III-IV  Mixture
Coupler: Manual/Pedal
Action: Mechanical
Manual compass: C-g''', 56 notes
Pedal compass: C-d', 27 notes
Temperament: Equal
Pitch: A = 440
Wind pressure: 68mm
Stops: 9
Pipes: 631
Rebuild of 1891 Moline organ by George Taylor - 
originally at Porter Street Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia
8 Hewitt Road, Staunton, Virginia, USA
Phone 540.886.3583
Copyright 2020 Taylor and Boody, Inc
Website designed and maintained by Taylor and Boody Organbuilders